Monday, November 10, 2008

Seriously, STOP 12

I am in a hurry a lot, and I try very hard not to be rude about trying to get where I am going. However, I don’t understand why people drive UNDER the speed limit. I also have trouble on the interstate when I am going 10 over and someone comes at me like a freight train. What is up with drivers now days? They need to seriously, STOP driving stupid!

No matter where I am it seems there is someone going to slow, going to fast, pulling out in front of me, cutting me off or flipping me off. When did we all become such bad drivers?

I think some of it has to do with technology. I think the GPS and the cell phones and the iPods with car adapters are causing a lot of distraction in the car. These are the things that should be banned for teenage drivers, their friends aren’t nearly as dangerous a distraction! This technology has been banned in other states, and I have a feeling, based on my personal observations of stupid driving, that Georgia is not that far off from this being a law here.

I also think some of the issues with Georgia driving is that there are New Yorkers and Southerners driving in the same area with two completely different driving styles. This would explain the fast and the slow. However, there has to be a way to meet in the middle! Can’t we all be the Midwest and go 5-10 over the speed limit?

People, overall, need to pay more attention to signs, and their speedometer. I think people get so caught up thinking and doing what they do in the car that they are not aware of their driving. We need to heed the warning of this quote, “The natural impulse may be the brake sharply for that little kitten, but the Mac Truck behind you might make road kill out of both of you.” The trick is knowing there is a Mac Truck behind you… drive smarter!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Seriously, STOP 11

Getting married may be the happiest day of your life… if you are part of that lucky 45%. However, I know that there will be other great days. Like the day you graduate, the day you have a baby, and the day you find an amazing pair of Italian shoes for 99% off. Ok, so maybe that last one is just one of my amazing days. But regardless of your definition of the happiest day seriously, STOP spending exorbitant amount of money on weddings.

As far as weddings go you could say I am an expert. I am sort of like the girl from 27 dresses that can’t commit, but I am so organized that everyone wants me in their wedding. I have been in at least two a year for the past three years. I know it isn’t 27, but I am on my way! With this experience I have learned that you can spend a little and enjoy the day just as much. The $5,000 wedding I went to had a bride that was just as happy as the bride at the $50,000 wedding. Brides and Groom’s everywhere need to remember that this is their happy day, and it is not about impressing the guests.

The keeping up with the Jones’ mentality has leaked on to the wedding circuit, and movies like The Wedding Planner and TV shows like Whose Wedding is it Anyway and Don’t Stress the Dress have not helped matters any. People, WAKE UP, not all of us can afford a $5000 wedding dress. Not all of us are meant to wear Vera Wang. It is just a fact of life… deal with it! You are not going to have J.Lo’s wedding because you don’t make $50 million a year… it is common sense!

Weddings need to get back to the reason the people want to be together. When did a relationship become the wedding? I think the brides and grooms need to all take a step back and decide what is important to them. A large party? Or a future investment? Suze Orman once said, “People need to start thinking within their means to have a dream marriage, not just a dream wedding.” I couldn’t agree more!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seriously, STOP 10

Time management is a skill all people need to learn. When making plans we need to know how long something will take before making more plans. If we are poor time managers we become those disrespectful people who show up late. As one of the punctual ones who is perpetually 5 minutes early, seriously, STOP being late!!

I was taught that it was disrespectful to not appreciate someone else’s time. I was also taught that I should be early to everything if possible so that I make sure I have time to get there. As a result I am rarely late, and if I am it is for a reason. I do understand that there are some good excuses, and that everyone needs to be cut some slack from time to time, but what these people who are always 10 or 15 minutes late? There is no excuse for that except that they are bad time managers.

I have a friend who is constantly running an hour late. I am not sure how she hasn’t been fired from her job, which she is typically only 30 minutes late to, but she has somehow survived. When I make plans with her I tell her to be there at least an hour early. Why can’t she just manage her time and be respectful of mine? It is a fight we have had countless times, and she knows how I feel, but she literally can’t stop.

I am begging all of you people like this to think of others and be less selfish. It will not hurt you to be on time. You will actually be less stressed and happier. Don’t be like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland who was constantly chanting, “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date! No time to waste or hesitate, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!” Keep your very important dates happy by respecting them and showing up when you agreed to!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Seriously, STOP 9

Does everyone remember that book Everybody Poops? In case you don’t, it is a book about how every living animal and person poops, and how it is just a part of nature. Now boys I know that may scare you since you think girls don’t, but it is true, everybody does it. This little natural fun fact also applies to dogs. Naturally as dogs are living animals they need to poop, and it is the responsibility of the owner to pick up the poop. So, seriously, STOP leaving your dogs poop all over the ground.

Dog’s are man’s best friends. They are cute and cuddly. They are always happy to see you. They are great companions. However, dogs are not self-sufficient creatures that can live with no care. They are dependent on humans for the things they need and as an owner it is your job to provide those things.

Last I checked, people in America were not required to have a dog. This means that all the dog owners out there are volunteering to take on the responsibility of having a dog. I don’t know if they weren’t aware when they got the pet that they had certain obligations, but let me lay them out for all you dog owners here. When you have a dog you need to feed it, give it water, give it exercise of some kind, take it out to go to the bath room, and then pick up any mess it might make. It is like having a child that is less high maintenance, but still needs attention and care. If you want a pet you don’t have to do much to take care of get a cat.

As a dog owner I totally understand that sometimes I don’t feel like doing the responsible thing, but I also remember when I have stepped in something unpleasant. It is not someone else’s problem that I have a dog; it was my choice to get it, and my job to take care of it!

Gilda Radner once said, “I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; thy give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.” I think we should all learn to love and respect from our dogs example, and clean up the poop. Everybody does it, but we can’t just leave it laying around!

Seriously, STOP 8

Working in the food service industry is hard. The work is usually physically demanding, and the workers are on their feet all day or night. The hours are typically contrary to normal business hours, leaving the workers personal lives for odd hours. Finally, these workers have to deal with rude people who expect them to drop everything they are doing for their other 5 tables to fetch them something from the kitchen. So seriously, STOP leaving crappy tips!

Although I am now a teacher, I did work in restaurants for about 6 years so I have a good frame of reference when I say it is a difficult job. Now I will admit the individual things a waiter has to do are not hard. I mean seriously, pouring a drink and carrying a plate are obviously simple tasks. However, I say the job is difficult because it is hard to remember everything that everyone wants, while dealing with computer glitches, the kitchen and dish staff not doing their jobs, running out of food or drinks, listening to the manager spout off about random grievances, all while seeing to it that everyone is happy. It is a lot to juggle! And the big pay out for this highly stressful juggling act is a whopping $2.17 an hour.

Servers rely on their tips. These tips are what their salary consists of. If a server works a 40 hour work week and they make no tips their check for the week is only $80. Can you live off of $80 a week? I don’t think so!! Tips should be equivalent to the service you receive, but all tips should start at at least 20% of the total bill. If they are a bad server bump it down, but only do so if the server is rude or never visits the table. If they forget one little thing, and you can see they are busy cut them some slack, remember they are juggling 10 things at once.

I know it is hard to see your hard earned money float away as a tip, but it was your choice to eat at a restaurant with a server. If you don’t want to tip take a trip to the local McDonalds. They serve everything on a tray and you only have to pay for the food. When you go to a restaurant you are paying to be served, so pay up with your tip! It is like they say, customers want, “Service with a smile.” Servers just want tips for their service, so everyone seriously, STOP leaving crappy tips!

Seriously, STOP 8

Working in the food service industry is hard. The work is usually physically demanding, and the workers are on their feet all day or night. The hours are typically contrary to normal business hours, leaving the workers personal lives for odd hours. Finally, these workers have to deal with rude people who expect them to drop everything they are doing for their other 5 tables to fetch them something from the kitchen. So seriously, STOP leaving crappy tips!

Although I am now a teacher, I did work in restaurants for about 6 years so I have a good frame of reference when I say it is a difficult job. Now I will admit the individual things a waiter has to do are not hard. I mean seriously, pouring a drink and carrying a plate are obviously simple tasks. However, I say the job is difficult because it is hard to remember everything that everyone wants, while dealing with computer glitches, the kitchen and dish staff not doing their jobs, running out of food or drinks, listening to the manager spout off about random grievances, all while seeing to it that everyone is happy. It is a lot to juggle! And the big pay out for this highly stressful juggling act is a whopping $2.17 an hour.

Servers rely on their tips. These tips are what their salary consists of. If a server works a 40 hour work week and they make no tips their check for the week is only $80. Can you live off of $80 a week? I don’t think so!! Tips should be equivalent to the service you receive, but all tips should start at at least 20% of the total bill. If they are a bad server bump it down, but only do so if the server is rude or never visits the table. If they forget one little thing, and you can see they are busy cut them some slack, remember they are juggling 10 things at once.

I know it is hard to see your hard earned money float away as a tip, but it was your choice to eat at a restaurant with a server. If you don’t want to tip take a trip to the local McDonalds. They serve everything on a tray and you only have to pay for the food. When you go to a restaurant you are paying to be served, so pay up with your tip! It is like they say, customers want, “Service with a smile.” Servers just want tips for their service, so everyone seriously, STOP leaving crappy tips!

Seriously, STOP 7

America is a capitalistic society that thrives on material possessions to determine status. We want that shiny foreign car, and expensive jewelry. We want to be dressed in the nicest things, and eat the best food. We want to be part of the elite. But really we can’t keep up with the Joneses, and we need to take a lesson from those who don’t try to. Most of us need to Seriously, STOP buying things we can’t afford.

There is a population of people in America who are intelligent, rich, privileged, and have multiple homes to vacation in. This does not apply to most of us though. Most of us middle class working Americans are just scraping by. And many of us are going to lose our grip if we don’t start spending.

There have been numerous specials lately on the spending of money, and how people don’t NEED a manicure and pedicure, or Starbucks, or a $200 pair of jeans, or an SUV. There have been specials showing people who bought a $500,000 home with no savings in case they lost their job. We keep seeing bankruptcy and foreclosures. So when does it stop? When do people realize they can’t afford the way they are living?

If the recession we are in stays on the track it is on, many of us are in some real trouble. We need to start talking to our frugal friend to get some advice, which will start with the simple things. If we don’t have the money we should eat out, do unnecessary grooming, bye new cars or homes, shop for things we don’t need or go on vacations. Those are all fun things to do, but we are digging ourselves into a hole. We need to ask, is this something I NEED?

When I was a child my mother answered this question for me a lot. I would want a new bike, and she would tell me I had one. I would want a new Barbie, and she would say I had 10. I would want a candy bar, and she would tell me we would have dinner soon. Where did this voice go and why can’t I find it for myself? The time has come to find the voice and listen!

My mother once said to me, “I don’t have a money tree growing in the back yard.” I think we all need to remember that money trees don’t exist, so we all need to seriously, stop spending without thinking.